Join the hunt for a better quality of outdoor air! The evidence-based facts speak for itself why everyone should pay attention to the air we breathe.
"4.2 million deaths every year occur as a result of exposure to ambient (outdoor) air pollution."
The World Health Organisation, WHO
That is why the world needs the first product in the range of CarbonHunt®. A solution that not only helps masses of people to hunt the pollutive air with a technology, but one that helps people to learn and understand local air quality health impacts. Also, one that makes particulate matter visible to people as all particles cannot be detected by human senses.
CarbonHunt® is a hands-on interactive mobile solution for avoiding air quality related health risks and reporting individually experienced air quality such as vehicle exhaust and street dust and other coarse particles real-time.
The visualized data generated through CarbonHunt® helps to put pressure on the decision makers for reducing emissions of pollutants that are harmful to human health.
with 30+ users
Tested by 600+ people
2500+ user reports on experienced air quality
Funded by the European Union and EU IPO
Minimum viable product in collaboration with: